1. a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person.
Nigger > Nigga > Negra/Nigra > Negro > Black/African American
Some need to know vocab:
NB- non black/ not black (everyone except black people) POC- people of color (all minorities) NB POC- people of color who ARE NOT black (Asians, Mexicans, etc.) AA- African American
For some reason, nigga has become a term of endearment for NB POC and white people. Like you’d be surprised by how many NON BLACK PEOPLE are saying it nowadays. The crazy thing is that I’m considered sensitive just because I’m not trying to hear people that don’t wanna BE niggas, SAY nigga.
I mean white people will make jokes like this:
and STILL, have the audacity to say nigga. I can’t.
And please DO NOT come at me with:
“I don’t mean it like that!”
“I don’t have a racist bone in my body!”
“I never owned slaves, don’t get mad at me.”
“I have black friends, I can TOTALLY say it!”
Look I don’t give a damn how you ‘meant’ it. Non-Black people saying that word automatically tells me two things. 1.) They’ve never picked up a history book to learn about where that word originated from and 2.) They couldn’t handle the struggles of being a black person.
That word IS NOT something that should just fly out of a non-black person’s mouth. Y’all should hear the hallways of my school HOLY. GOD. These non-black children are so bold with it and they don’t hesitate to say it AT ALL and it’s scary.
Y’all are the worst of the worst. Would you be calling each other niggas when black people were being lynched daily? Would you be calling each other nigga while pregnant black women were being lynched then having their children cut out of their wombs? Would you be calling each other niggas when black people had German Shepard’s unleashed on them & were getting sprayed with fire hoses? Let’s go back further. Would you be calling each other niggas when black women were getting raped by their white masters almost every day until she got pregnant? Would you be calling each other niggas while black men were castrated because of false accusations of raping a white woman? Would you be calling each other niggas when black families were sold into slavery, separated, never to see each other again? Would you be calling each other niggas when black women were “breeders” by the age of 13? Would you be calling each other niggas when black men were forced to fight each other to the death for the ENTERTAINMENT of white people? No?
Ha. You’re cute. Black people get to say it TO EACH OTHER because BLACK people share a collective condition known as ‘nigga’. We ALL have to face the same oppressive situations
You’re not black.
You’re not black.
You’re not black.
You’re not black.
Non-black people will NEVER understand what it’s like to be black. NB people don’t want the shitty parts of being black which are:
- A fear towards any police officer for no good reason
- Unwarranted police brutality
- Having to deal with racism EVERYWHERE
- Having to sit by while people say racist things because if you confront them then you’ll be labeled the aggressor
- Having to deal with colorism (google it)
- Getting your NATURAL hair called nappy and gross and being told you hate yourself when you wear weave or wigs
- Having Eurocentric views of beauty imposed on you as a young child that drastically effect your self esteem
JUST to name a few. I don’t care what other people say, NB people wouldn’t be able to handle being black for two seconds. NB people want the good parts of blackness and black culture while leaving the pressing issues to us. That’s insane.
Y’all LOVE black culture and ignore the black struggle. THAT’S why you can’t say it. Its one word. ONE WORD you can’t say. There are:
words in the English language YET some of y’all act like nigga is the only word you can say. Stop.
THAT’s why I have ZERO (I repeat ZERO) tolerance for NB people saying the nigga.
You cannot say nigga if you aren’t black.
You cannot say nigga if you aren’t black.
You cannot say nigga if you aren’t black.
You cannot say nigga if you aren’t black.
You cannot say nigga if you aren’t black.
Originally published at on October 11, 2016.